Friday, August 26, 2011

Matching Justin's Results

So it turns out that I actually wasn't able to match Justin's results because we forgot that Justin had sent me images that had intensities on a square-root scale (square-root because it makes fainter companions stick out). Thus, all I needed to do to correct for this would be to square the original FITS array before making some contrast curves.

So: here are the new results for two different contrast curves:

(Properties: threshold=3 sigma)



Compare to Justin's results: 
At radial distances of 0.25", 0.5", 1", 2", 4" respectively:
KIC109   3.7, 5.6, 7.8, 8.6, 8.6  
KIC118   4.2, 5.7, 7.2, 7.6, 7.6

Unfortunately, I can't usually go past 1" on my graphs yet due to the way my point source finder works (it'll crash my computer if I try). However you can see that this is generally sufficient distance to make the contrast curve flatten out by the end. 

You may also have noticed that my delta mags tend to be slightly lower than Justin's values. This could be due to the fact that Justin took a thin slice of the picture and calculated the delta mags based on distance in one direction, while I averaged the noise at a certain distance away in all directions. But overall, the graphs seem to agree with Justin's results pretty well (It seems accurate up to 1").

-I will attempt to work out some kinks in my contrast curve calculator to make it run a bit more efficiently.
-Will continue working on a way to find point sources, as fitting 2D-gaussians still doesn't seem to work.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Accepting Directories

Alright, now that I've finally adjusted to moving from Caltech to home (and learnt how to deal with my dust allergies), IPhot now accepts directories as well as individual .FITS files in one directory. (I guess I have to change the usage() description of IPhot as well.) Here are the three different ways IPhot can process and find .FITS files in command line:

  1. By default, if no additional argument is written after 'IPhot', IPhot will assume the directory is the current directory. Any .FITS files in this directory will then be processed. Let's say you have a file called fitsimage.fits in this directory. Typing in IPhot will give you this:

    C:\[Your path here]> IPhot

    The image will open up and you'll be able to click on it and such just as before.
  2. You can specify a directory after IPhot. IPhot will go through this directory and process all the .FITS images in that directory.

    C:\[Your path here]> IPhot "C:\\Example\\Path\\To\\Your\\Images\\" -d 0.95 -t 4

    ImageFromThisPath.fits and any other .fits images will then show up on the screen like before, and will create contrast curves in the way specified by the options following the path. You can still press 'q' to quite or any other key for the next image. Note the specific way you have to type the paths - it has to have quotes around it (since it's a string, and also because some path names have spaces inside them, like "Documents and Settings" that PC's use), and you should also write double \\'s to be safe.
  3. This is the way I originally implemented this program to handle .FITS files.
    C:\[Your path here]> IPhot CK00012_snap_20110412.fits -d 0.97 -t 5

    The program will go through the .FITS files one by one and create contrast curves for them (if you make it do so) according to the options following the .FITS files. Note that you can still type in multiple individual .FITS file names. 
I gotta say, this was pretty fun to work on. But I'm still not done with my point sources finder -- it's rather reluctant to actually find some point sources (simulated or 'real' ones) -- so I still can't test this code very extensively to make sure that it works brilliantly. For now though, I'll say that it seems to work fine.